Juan Carlos Peinado Juez Wikipedia, Magistrado

Juan Carlos Peinado Juez Wikipedia, Magistrado:- Juan Carlos Peinado is a Spanish judge who has recently made headlines for opening an investigation against Begoña Gómez, the wife of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, on charges of corruption and influence peddling. Born in 1954, Peinado has had a long career in the judiciary and is known for his meticulous and thorough investigations.

Juan Carlos Peinado Juez Wikipedia, Magistrado

Juan Carlos Peinado Bio

Full NameJuan Carlos Peinado Pereira
Date of BirthN/A
Place of BirthNot specified
Notable AchievementsHead of Court 41 of the Plaza Castilla courts
EducationNot specified
FamilyNot specified
Career HighlightsNot specified

Juan Carlos Peinado Early Life and Education

Peinado started his legal career at 40 after studying at the University Complutense of Madrid. He quickly advanced, becoming a respected judge in various courts, including the Audiencia Nacional and the Juzgado de Primera Instancia número 41 de Madrid.

Juan Carlos Peinado Career Highlights

Peinado has handled several high-profile cases. He investigated the Comités de Defensa de la República (CDR), a group accused of violent and illegal activities. He also imputed a dozen journalists for allegedly revealing secrets related to the CDR case, though there were no convictions.

Peinado has been involved in other notable cases, including an investigation into former Real Madrid footballer Raúl González Blanco, who was accused of using his company to avoid paying a debt of over 7 million euros. He also investigated executives of El Corte Inglés for alleged irregularities in the company’s succession.

Juan Carlos Peinado Recent Controversies

Peinado’s investigation of Begoña Gómez has been widely criticized by the Spanish government and the PSOE party, with accusations of trying to interfere in the upcoming election. The investigation is based on a complaint by the ultra-right-wing group Manos Limpias, alleging Gómez used her influence to secure contracts for private companies.

Juan Carlos Peinado Personal Life

Peinado is married and has a daughter, Patricia, who is a local politician in the Partido Popular. Patricia has stated that she does not discuss her father’s cases with him.


What is Juan Carlos Peinado’s current position?

Juan Carlos Peinado is the titular of the Juzgado de Primera Instancia número 41 de Madrid.

What is the current investigation against Begoña Gómez about?

The investigation is based on a complaint by the ultra-right-wing group Manos Limpias, alleging that Gómez used her influence to help her husband’s government secure contracts for private companies.

What is the current status of the investigation?

The investigation is ongoing, with Gómez scheduled to appear before the court on July 5th.

What is the reaction of the Spanish government to the investigation?

The Spanish government has criticized Peinado’s decision to open the investigation, accusing him of trying to interfere in the upcoming election.

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